
Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement is a form of expressive movement therapy  that provides an inner self-directed approach to genuine or "authentic" movement. The practice involves a mover and a witness. The mover starts in a comfortable position, eyes closed to sense their inner body-mind processes, then waits for stimuli to arise within them, and follows each impulse, expressing movement or sound. Witnesses cultivate an unconditional benevolent presence, remaining attentive to their own experience.

Individuals move through the space free from any direction or expectation. People engaging in Authentic Movement can explore psychological processes as they arise, and discover a movement pathway that offers a bridge between the conscious and unconscious.

“Movement, to be experienced, has to be 'found' in the body, not put on like a dress or a coat. There is that in us which has moved from the very beginning. It is that which can liberate us.” — Mary Starks Whitehouse

Winter Session (6 weeks):
Mondays, February 10 – March 17 | 5:30-7:30pm

At Waterstop Infoshop:
20 N 2nd Ave E, Duluth

  • This 6-week series is for people new to Authentic Movement and/or somatic movement.

    With no choreography or music, participants will listen inwardly and find movement arising from a hidden prompting. Through the series, participants will increase self-awareness, mind-body-spirit connection, and kinesthetic self-expression.

    In timed segments, movers will be given a safe, open space to move with eyes closed, and witnesses will offer a supportive, grounded container.

    Movers will notice thoughts, emotions, sensations, and memories; allowing these experiences to move the body in any way that feels right.

    Witnesses will track the movements of the mover and ensure the mover remains physically safe, while paying attention to their own inner experience.

    After moving and witnessing, partners will have the option to engage in writing and drawing, as well as share about their experience before switching roles.

  • Participants are encouraged to wear clothes that are comfortable to move in (this can include indoor shoes, if needed), and to bring a water bottle as well as drawing and/or writing supplies.

  • The 6-week series has a sliding scale fee of $60-90. Payment can be made via cash on the first day or via Venmo in advance @thomlinswan. Please pay what you're reasonably able to afford and consider paying extra to support those needing financial assistance.

    Scholarships are available. Please inquire at

History of Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement, rooted in Carl Jung's concept of active imagination, was developed in the 1950s by dance therapist Mary Starks Whitehouse. First named “movement in depth,” Authentic Movement got its start through Whitehouse's expressive movement work with the people she treated early in her psychotherapy career. This work was expanded with the help of Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow to explore the integration of mind, body, and spirit; and the ways spontaneous movement can impact mental health. Through their work together, Whitehouse, Adler, and Chodorow molded Authentic Movement into a therapeutic approach based on the tenets of Jungian analysis and the inner wisdom of spiritual practice.*

*Source: GoodTherapy®